Understanding that all is intertwined and nothing is separate, as beings connected by nature, with nature, as nature dailyA is about human develop-meant (meant to develop).
As BEings of nature there is absolutely nothing that can be separate in our lives, within us and around us. Nature expresses itself as one magnificent live organism where everything feeds a greater field, where collaboration is solid and vital for life, where each organism breathes and exists in coherence and union in synchronicity and alignment with each other.
dailyA was born from a desire to share learnings and findings from our personal work-life experience. Understanding that nothing in life happens isolated, we have experienced on a daily basis how intertwined and connected each area of our lives are affected by each other creating a sequence of flow and meaning as we become present with what is.
We are all multi-faceted beings with different skills and qualities that are available to be used throughout our daily lives without boundaries or restrictions. We were trained to believe that what we have to contribute is only subjects related to a specific profession or to a field that we have chosen as an industry without considering our innate talents and abilities. dailyA is about combining our abilities, qualities, innate gifts WITH our skills to create an experience based on what we believe we can offer: our enhanced human potential through the different expressions of who we are, so called: our services.
Is about tapping into our inner knowing that already resides within each one of us reflecting in experiences that long last and are meaningful and valuable. Is about understanding that greatness doesn’t come without effort. Is about living your greatest potential choosing different tools to enhance our human potential in many forms. It is about every action, all daily actions combined.
As a matter of fact we all know that our time here is limited and for that same reason we should be questioning if we are living our lives or if we are wasting our time on a daily basis… and aftering pondering those answers we should be able to make decisions that are enhancing our lived experiences while also considering the legacy that we will leave behind.
Behind dailya (who we are)
The due - Patricia Bordon & Gabriel Sarubi
dailyA is a reflection of learnings and applications that both, Patricia and Gabriel, have implemented in their lives - individually and as a family. Being fully committed to planting seeds of awareness into their lives, dailyA is a manifestation of that desire, to leave a positive contribution to our community across this incredible planet that we all call Home.
Patricia Bordon
With over 20+ years of working with people from all over the world and managing a wide variety of people centric businesses, Patricia decided to share the different tools that she has learned over the years so you can also experience for yourself. From her own personal journey Patricia came to realise that it is not about what you choose to do in life that matters (as the form is simply a creation of matter as a tool), instead it is about how you express your authenticity (your innate and unique gifts) and the impact that you leave behind. Is about having different tools (options) to choose from, to adapt, to expand ourselves at any given time according to your environment and circumstances. It is about bringing awareness to our choices, taking daily actions that impacts Life directly.
Patricia has experienced herself as a Physical Educator, Pilates instructor, Personal Trainer, nāda yoga teacher, Ontological Coach, as a receptionist (in a variety of spaces), as a personal assistant, as a manager, as a student, as an athlete, and the list goes on… these are all different labels used by our society to easily frame an individual by a profession. Qualifications and certificates are opportunities to experience oneself while developing and engaging within a new environment and community. From a whole-listic perspective, they are actually sets of skills that can be applied in a variety of different circumstances that sometimes are not even related to a job or profession. The invitation here is, can we expand our perception to a bigger picture of our daily interactions and see if we are able to recognise how deeper we can go to witness our own natural abilities? From that point, can we ask ourselves, are we extending those skills to the benefit of our community? (one of her daily practices of self enquiry…).
Gabriel Sarubi
From a practical and direct approach, Gabriel is the engine behind the scenes consolidating the practical structures within dailyA. With skills acquired through information systems and as an abap developer Gabriel brings his knowledge from the online space to our daily actions bridging the spaces and connecting the dots.
How can we work together
We see a pattern between human behaviour and the tapestry of nature. Everything that we do comes from nature, as nature, to be modified or adjusted afterwards to accommodate our needs as a group or as our own. [We have so much to contribute to our community as we believe that we are all students and teachers to each other.]
Through the journey of planting seeds daily into manifestation we have noticed how the self . space . expression . community are interconnected. One way of looking at them, in our way, would be through the following tools: